How to disable Google Adsense ad units

After buying RokcetWeb from codecanyon everything was working fine. But as per I know it’s violate google policy. How can I disable it?

If you are using any template that already disables by default so you no needs to be do anything. Please test on a real device in case it’s showing then you need to disable it from your website.

How to know the website loads on RokcetWeb?

There is two way you can you a separate URL to know loads on RocketWeb and disable when you found this URL. Example your website is: then for the app the URL will be
So when you get this value set to disable logic for the app.

Another way is when the website loads on RocketWeb, after loading complete it’s push cookies. So you can read the cookies and know the website is load from the RocketWeb.

Cookies: DEVICE=Android (key: DEVICE value: Android)
Cookies: PRODUCT=RocketWeb (key: PRODUCT value:RocketWeb)

2 thoughts on “How to disable Google Adsense ad units

  1. admin780 says:

    Can you please elaborate on this?
    I am using the template that I bought from codecanyon, but adsense ads still appears.

    Should I make any changes to app code? or add any script on the website? If yes to any of these, then how?


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