After buying RokcetWeb from codecanyon, everything was working fine. But I want to change the status bar color.
To change the status bar color first select primaryColor first select “THEME PRIMARY” as your theme.

To set your own color on theme follow this:
Now to change the status bar color add this line on your theme style.xml and style.xml(v21)
android:statusBarColor is your status bar color you can use color code as well here. android:windowLightStatusBar is your status bar icon color. If you set true it’s will be black and if you set false then it’s white.
<item name="android:statusBarColor">#FFFFFF</item>
<item name="android:windowLightStatusBar">true</item>

This statusBar icon color only supports SDK 23 so if you want you can set your minimum SDK version as 23 and sync your project.