After buying RocketWeb from codecanyon, everything is working fine. But the new TAB links are opens in a popup view but I want to open it inside of app.
First, remove this line to stop the popup.

Then add/update this link of code to open the link in webview.
var popupUrl: String? = null
if (view?.hitTestResult?.type === WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_ANCHOR_TYPE
|| view?.hitTestResult?.type === WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE
) {
popupUrl = view.hitTestResult.extra
if (popupUrl?.compareTo("about:blank") != 0){
UtilMethods.printLog(TAG, "Popup URL: $popupUrl")

In case if you want to open any link external or internal browser then follow this: