How to open the external URL on the Custom tab? | RocketWeb Android

I buy RocketWeb from codecanyon and now I want to open some URL on CustomTab

If you want to open URL outside of app then follow this:

If you want to open URL in CustomTab then you need to override the URL. Make sure that the URL you send an exact match. In my case, I open so add this line of code. Add the same code on both blocks.

if(url == ""){
UtilMethods.browseUrlCustomTab(mContext, url)
return true

Tips: If you want to open all the URL of a domain then use:

    UtilMethods.browseUrlCustomTab(mContext, url)
    return true

Tips: If you want to open all the URL who has any specific text then use:

UtilMethods.browseUrlCustomTab(mContext, url)
return true

Tips: If you want to open all the URL without your domain:

UtilMethods.browseUrlCustomTab(mContext, url)
return true

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