How can I change share text on RocketWeb Android

After buy from CodeCanyon I set up the app and everything is working fine. But I want to change the Share text.

  1. The sharing method are called a RocketWeb library. In HomeActivity.kt you will found the line: UtilMethods.shareTheApp(mContext) it’s control the share function.
  2. To find the method search CTL+F (windows) or Command+F (MAC) and search this line UtilMethods.shareTheApp

3. Now set this method block in HomeActivity.kt

fun shareTheApp(context: Context, message: String) {
    val sendIntent = Intent()
    sendIntent.action = Intent.ACTION_SEND
    sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, message)
    sendIntent.type = "text/plain"

4. Now you need to release this line UtilMethods.shareTheApp(mContext) with this line shareTheApp(mContext, “My new text for share!”)

That’s it whatever the text you want to share write on send parameter.

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