Could not resolve | RocketWeb Android

After download .io file I configure following your guideline but the project is not build showing a bellow error message.

ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ‘:codecanyon@debug/compileClasspath’: Could not resolve[10.2.1, 12.1.0).
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Affected Modules: codecanyon


The problem only came if you are firebase is not configured well. Follow the below steps:

  1. Before using firebase make sure that your app is run successfully on your emulator or device.
  2. Must change your package name only from build.gradle (Do not change any folder name)

3. With your new package name register and update the google-services.json configure file as per mention on the doc and videos.

4. After that must be clear cash and restart android studio

5. If your configuration is right then your problem is solved but in case of not solved yet then check your SDK download. Select two options and save the change.

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